Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The SIMulation that is The Sims 3

            When Electronic Arts released The Sims for PC it was an instant hit, spawning a mission-based console edition, and sequels, and spin-offs.  Tonight I want to talk about The Sims 3 for PC/Mac, played on a MacBook Pro.  I bought this game after reading that my MacBook pro was capable of handling the graphics as that is usually a problem with me and PC gaming. (i.e. The Sims Life Stories never was compatible with my old laptop's graphic card and Morrowind was an epic fail)  I usually wait on console versions of The Sims games, but was bored with waiting so I bought The Sims 3 for Mac and have played it over time, sometimes I would get really into it and other times it was tedious to bother with.  I've become more familiar with some of the advanced mechanics of Sims 3 and have since enjoyed it.  (and Diablo II, but thats for another time)

            Like I said in my previous paragraph, I usually played Sims on console other than the first one, which I bought cheap on a bargain at Walmart long after Sims 2 on Xbox.  So the lack of missions in the game was boring compared to the console based games.  Sims 3 suffered from this as well, until I sat back one day and looked at the "Story" unfolding around me, it deepened when I kicked my Sim-wife and Sim-kids out of my house because I hated the addition, then became bored alone so am trying to get them back. I know this sounds kind of stupid, but that is a great story, the only thing missing is the ability to do crimes and the game would be a soap opera in a box that you could do anything at any moment and not be bored.  For a wannabe author/photographer/blogger, all of which I wish I was famous for, its a canvas and your computer is your brush, paint, clay, paper mache, macarroni or any other construction materials you could use.  The neatest thing I noticed, besides that you can grow old watching your kids grow up and all eventually die, is that the whole world does, seeing a person be born and your kids get married one day or declare the other as nemesis what have you.  The game is great.  I know that I could ridicule some parts, like the weirdness of when you get shocked you Sims clothes get burnt and hair is pushed back in a cartoony fasihon that makes you laugh gasping for air.  Your kids put off a Pokemon loving fan vibe and your wife makes you want to pull out your hair and find another, just like reality haha.

Thanks for reading, sorry its been a while, had a lot on my plate lately, back now, tomorrow I may talk about Alan Wake, but we all know how I am about deadlines, perhaps I'll pop it in real fast and refresh tonight, then wake terrified screaming holding the cat for dear life.  =^_^= "meow"

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