Monday, March 21, 2011

Evil before its Time

            Back in 2004 on the Playstation 2, Capcom released Resident Evil: Outbreak.  The game was designed to be the first multiplayer Resident Evil game to be released.  Outbreak used the online capabilities of the PS2 for its multiplayer function.  The game was original in the sense of a multiplayer Resident Evil, but one has to ask, "was this game before its time?"

            Resident Evil: Outbreak achieved its own fan-base of die-hard Resident Evil fans, as well as those wanting to see what the online gaming was capable of.  A few things that gashed open the puzzle mechanics was with multiplayer it was far easier, but that's not necessarily a good thing.  Wasn't the fear of Resident Evil that not only are you fighting an unlimited supply of people that just so happens to have gathered in a mansion or hospital, but also solving puzzles just to unlock some faceless person's bathroom to continue?  The games were fun on single player but randomly a key will vanish and be found in a computer-controlled character running around senseless saying, "Where are we?" instead of using the key. Then, there was no time to type in text to talk to someone else to chat, and each level you was on a time limit before turning to a zombie, so you have to stop and be gnawed on by a zombie that thinks your neck looks like tasty turkey to message someone, or hope they figure it out from presets.  I read on Wikipedia, due to declining clientele, the servers supporting Outbreak have been shut down.  The reason for this?  Growing online games people are absorbed into.  Modern online games come designed to prevent the key issue in Outbreak by allowing voice communication or a well made preset set-up for you to talk to fellow players.  The Outbreak series ended after File: 2, but if a File: 3 was made with modern capabilities, not just on the online aspect, but in graphics and depth of play, and hopefully no virus killing you just as you're having fun smacking you 700th zombie with a 2X4.  This is something I have wondered, because I bought Outbreak after the servers were shut down and played on single-player looking and seeing the mechanics in action.  I enjoy some online games such as Metal Gear, and I loved Resistance: Fall of Man online, but this is showing how far online has come, with graphics, high-speed internet now common as opposed to how expensive it was back in '04.  Right now typing this, I'm on my Apple MacBook Pro with a wireless high-speed internet connection.  I play Metal Gear Online and Resistance  using wireless, not recommended but its easier.  Technology has changed so much since 2004 that it may be possible for Resident Evil: Outbreak to come back and be the next big PS3 or 360 game people are playing all night long with chips and a drink with the occasional bathroom break every round.

           Thanks for reading, got some dates from Wikipedia.  Trying to do this more often, but sometimes topics are hard, send me some.  Bye ^_^

1 comment:

  1. No real sense in naming good and bad in each handheld, if you need a list of good and bad, it won't do any good for me to name them. Some things I may like may be bad for a handheld, but may be its selling point. Normally a critique of something like these plusses and minuses is something expected, but its not really a critique by naming them like a mentioned in this blog.
