Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Vocaloid and what it can mean for the future of gaming

            Ok!  First of all, if you don't know what Vocaloid is, check the bottom of this site as I have a few YouTube videos embedded at the bottom.  Second, if that is not enough, go to YouTube yourself and look it up, you'll enjoy yourself.  Now, for those that are to lazy to scroll down and click play on the boxes, Vocaloid is a voice synthesising program mainly populaur in Japan.  Hatsune Miku is the most famous of them, being numerous, most of which has their own voice program.  "Her" popularity has reached a pinacle in Japan that has caused two Playstation Portable games, with a Playstation 3 downloadable content game, a computer graphic adventure, and arcade ports of the PSP games.  Vocaloid has also held concerts, the videos at the bottom, the two from the live concert, were presented in Japan last year by Sega.  You may be wondering what this has to do with gaming, it has alot to do with gaming.  From the characters of Vocaloid getting their own games to a software that allows fans to make them sing the music the fans themselves write.  The true fame may be in Japan right now, but with some hard work I've seen it possible to make Hatsune Miku sing English with a powerful Japanese accent.  Megurine Luka at the bottom can sing both English and Japanese, though she doesn't have the range of Miku.

            With this software being as realistic as it is, you can only think of where gaming technology can go from here, we could have big named actors like Owen Wilson, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks and even Johnny Depp lend their voices for a sample and end up being in our Mass Effects and Call of Duties.  You may not think this a big thing, but can you remember the feeling of hearing a familiar voice in your game, like Seth Green doing the voice of Joker in Mass Effect?  It was a small touch but added an oh so real soul behind those skin-covered wire frames.  The software for Vocaloid is over here, but its not something that can just be grabbed off Walmart's shelves, it has to be ordered.  I won't discuss any details on that, but do some homework and maybe you'll see that this can not only assist gaming in so many ways, but as a whole assist the entertainment industry, the ability to create a star out of the clear blue to perfectly fit the role your casting.  Is it perfect?  No, its far from it, listen to Hatsune Miku sing 500 miles on YouTube and you'll see what I mean, but in her language its close to authentic of a Japanese Pop Star.    You could only imagine having a soundtrack to your game that's included with the game for free on a reglaur basis because the businesses do not have to make extra revenue to pay the bands or epic orchestras to play songs for them.  For those of you out there with it, take a look at the GarageBand Mac App, I have looked into it various times but am only finally getting things down a bit. (because I accidently skipped the tutorials and can't find them again)

Anyhow, thanks for reading, I know this wasn't one of my most professional sounding blogs and didn't really try to.  I just wanted to talk about something that the future can benefit from in the short term of one or two years as opposed to, with video games, showing trailers to games that are a long way off not to name anything <cough> Bioshock Infinite.  I mean really, 2  had just come out and they announce another, good grief, its gonna be another Halo and run until nobody cares.  Once again, my opinion.  Thanks everyone, bye. ^_^

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